General Questions

Got a burning question? We may have the answer to it right here in our FAQs. If not, head to our Contact Us page and get in touch!

Who is the Recovery College for?

The Recovery College is for everybody aged 18 and over. Everyone is welcome regardless of whether or not you have lived experience of mental health, alcohol and other drugs, or other life challenges. There are no pre-requisites to enrol, nor are there any expectations for having any prior knowledge before commencing a course.

Where do courses run?

We have several locations in the Perth metro where we deliver courses, including Belmont, Joondalup, Northbridge and Rockingham. We also run courses regionally in Bunbury, Esperance, Northam and Kalgoorlie, and you can find us online state-wide!

How much are the courses?

The courses are, and will always be free.

How do I stay up-to-date about upcoming events?

All courses are listed on our website, and you can sign up for our e-newsletter for course announcements. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram where we regularly post about courses and other events.

What kind of courses are run?

Our courses cover a multitude of topics, and we're confident there's something for everyone. We like to keep it fresh, so there's always something new to learn! Course subjects are diverse, but they all have the common goal of providing you with the knowledge and tools to find the most meaning, confidence and enjoyment in day-to-day life. To see what we have on offer this term, check out our Courses page, or sign up to our e-newsletter to be notified about new courses each term.

How does co-designing work?

People with lived, personal and professional experience and/or knowledge work together at every stage of course production and delivery. Collaboration without professional barriers enables community members to step forward and design a course that balances power in the classroom by valuing multiple perspectives and creating space for lived experience voices.

Educator Questions

What support is offered to educators?

WARCA have core staff that play a role in supporting educators throughout their involvement with the College. Educators are provided with the knowledge and resources to co-design, deliver and review courses, and have access to on-going guidance, resources and support from the WARCA team, access to professional development, and online collaboration spaces to connect with other educators.

How are WARCA courses promoted?

The College's public courses are promoted via our social media, our Alliance Partners and our mailing lists. Our flyers are publicly available to download for anyone interested. As an educator, you'll receive our flyers direct to your inbox each term making it easy to share and promote your course within your own network. Depending on your location or topic, there are other more targeted forms of promotion that may be used.

What is the Educator Foundation Program (EFP)?

The Educator Foundation Program is an opportunity for members of the community to gain confidence and knowledge in how to co-produce and co-facilitate workshops around areas of interest and expertise to other community members. Some of the topics that the program covers include: - Values-based practice - Contemporary understandings of mental health and wellbeing - How to create transformational education - Identifying and increasing recovery capital - Principles of adult education - Co-production and co-facilitation By participating in the Educator Foundation Program, you will get an opportunity to apply your knowledge with someone in the design and delivery of a short course that aligns with the WA Recovery College Integrity Framework. On completion of the program, you can be invited to join our team of educators.

Are educators paid?

Yes! Educators are paid to co-design, deliver and review courses. Educators will need to have an ABN.